New Life Fellowship

The New Life Fellowship (NLF) Program is nine-month Christian recovery program which seeks to address the issues that cause homelessness and the barriers that hinder one from returning to a productive life.

The NLF Program is divided into four phases. Satisfactory progress has to be made in order to graduate into the next phase. A review committee of senior staff members meets every two months to determine if advancement is warranted and a weekly meeting is held to report on general progress.

The criteria used in evaluating each man’s progress includes:

  • Completion of assigned materials
  • Satisfactory compliance in one’s responsibilities
  • Possession of the legal documents required for employment (Birth Certificate; Social Security Card; and an Alabama ID/Driver’s License)
  • Appropriate attitudes toward staff and others.
new life program

In the last phase a client is helped by key volunteers from the local business community to prepare a resume, apply and find placement in a suitable, sustainable-wage job.

The goal of BBM is for each client to return to their families, churches, and communities…

  • Free from addiction
  • With stable employment and housing
  • With healthy relationships toward God and others

Currently 75% of those who have completed the overall NLF Program
are meeting these marks.